:: Congressional Progress Tracking Tool.. is a REALLY NEAT technadvocacy tool for getting involved in politics in Washington.. There are so many aspects to it, it continues to boggle my own Mind..

Among the amazing number of features inside, a few Open Congress highlights include:

If you register and create a profile, you then have the opportunity to save points of personal interest on OpenCongress along with network with other members.. Once you’re in there, these last two links show just how powerful this website has evolved to become in a relatively short time:

Hope this proves of value to someone out there..

Warmest wishes from Talking Rock.. 🙂


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  • Cindy Sue Causey

    Aspiring jewelry designer; disability self-advocate (degenerating cognitive abilities, mental health); Human rights activist; hobby webmistress..

    In a "past" Life, I've also worn the Shoes of: Marine mammal trainer/show performer; indoor tropical plant sales; department store merchandising; cryogenics small parts shipping; office clerk (accounts payable/receivable; labor data collection)..